Over the Rainbow Cake: A bad bakers attempt at a holiday cake!
Here's the thing. I CAN'T BAKE. I have tried a million times to make fun things, I have come to terms with it. I just can't bake. I can make treats, I can assemble, but baking is not my thing. I don't overly enjoy it and I always have some sort of mishap. I love baked goods, I love people that make them and I love eating them. I am in constant awe of the cakes I see floating around Instagram every holiday and decided, "What the hell, I'm going to try one out myself!" I am on this major, "Try new things in 2020" kick. Fail or not, I still tried, and no matter what, there will still be frosting to lick off a spoon at the end of it all! It's a win/win!
I scoured pinterest for the perfect cake, knowing full well I would be using a boxed cake mix, because I know my limits and I mean, they are delicious! I decided to go with a St. Patrick's // Rainbow cake and use a few different ideas I saw and mash them all together to end up with a cake of my own creation.
Let me remind you, I am not a professional, and if anything, a bad baker. I give myself 10/10 stars for effort, because I really tried. But man, I have a whole new level of respect for bakers and culinary artists.
Okay, here we go: This is what you will need for the cake and the bark. In addition to the things listed here, you will also need cake pans, cooling racks and plastic wrap. A cake stand or plate as well as basic spatulas and a hand or stand mixer to mix the cake.
After gathering my supplies, I prepared a couple things. I mixed the sprinkles and separated out the marshmallows from the cereal of the lucky charms. Also, I know you can buy the marshmallows separately, but that is more expensive and Owen actually likes just the cereal part as a snack!
I decided I would ease into this whole baking idea with the chocolate bark I used for decorating. And if I'm honest, this was my favorite part and I will for sure be making this again, only next time adding pretzels and a few other crunchy things to give it texture!
It honestly came out so cute, I did a little photo shoot with it. I am very proud of it. Isn't she cute?
Okay, moving right along. Once that was done, I moved onto the big guns...The cake....It was a wild ride!
Here she is in all her glory! I do think it came out really cute, but I am very much not a baker and don't think I will be attempting another holiday cake any time soon. BUT PLEASE, if you make one, or a version of this, please tag me. I could look at cakes all day. It turns out, you can spend hours watching instagram cake decorating videos a week and still not learn how to do it yourself LOL. What are the odds?? Anywho, thank you for coming along on this "Gonna try new things in 2020" journey with me!
Here is the whole recipe card in case you want to give her a go! Download and print here!