Meet the Moms: Dana Goldstein
Hi! I'm Dana Goldstein! I’m a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children and wife to my college sweetheart, Adam. I call them my Neapolitan sandwich, Nathan has brown hair, Juliet has blonde hair and Emma is our little redhead! We live in Tucson, Arizona and we absolutely love it. Prior to having kids, I was an elementary school teacher now I am a stay-at-home mom, who teaches Barre3 classes as a passion. I recently started a blog ( and instagram account (@house_of_goldies) during the Coronavirus pandemic as a creative outlet and bring positive inspiration and ideas to others. I enjoy all things motherhood, home decor, DIY projects, healthy lifestyle, fashion and everything in between. A little more information about my little Goldies. Nathan is 8 years old and is a lover of all things sports! His first word was "ball" and nothing has changed since. He plays competitive soccer, baseball, basketball and enjoys all the other sports in between. He also loves math and science. He is a amazing big brother and is a great protector of his little sisters. He definitely has fondness of s'mores!
Juliet is our firecracker! Juliet is 6 years old and is in Kindergarten. She loves to dance, sing, art, but also plays soccer and baseball. She was meant to be the leader of the "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink Club." She is strong, hilarious, talented and kind all wrapped together. Emma, our little redheaded baby, and by baby, I mean 3 years old. We like to call her our class clown. She does anything to get us to laugh and she is pretty good at it. She loves to dance and sing, but also loves to play soccer! I never knew how much attention redheads received until I had her and lets just say she get alot!
We love to be together and get out and explore between all the extracurricular activities. As a family we like to go to the beach, skiing, watch movies, play games, go to sporting events and just play in our backyard. Make sure to follow along with our House of Goldies!